Mar 30, 2017
We cannot search and imagine the realm of emptiness. As Master Daochuo says, “According to the Mahayana teachings, our mind cannot be triggered by the teaching of Real Mark and True Suchness, the Foremost Meaning of Emptiness.” According to the Theravada teachings, we are not been qualified, whether monastics or householders, in entering the sagely stream by clearing the delusion of view, or further to Anagamin (the Third Fruition), Arhat (the Fourth Fruition) who cut off the Upper Five Afflictions and clear the Lower Five Afflictions.
Though we are exactly this kind of people, if we exclusively recite Amitabha’s name, we are regarded to truly practice in alignment, or to align with the true practice. So, the teaching of our school is very splendid and easy.
我們雖然對空性的境界摸索不到、也想像不到, 就好像道綽大師所講的:「若據大乘,真如實相,第一義空,曾未措心。若論小乘,修入見諦修道,乃至那含、羅漢,斷五下、除五上,無問道俗,未有其分。」
Namo Amitabha!