Mar 9, 2017
In the Buddhist scriptures, especially the Treatise of Rebirth written by Master Tanluan, in particular, do mention that, our six sensual ‘roots’ (organs) will be enlightened when they get in contact with the respective six circumstantial ‘dusts’ (environment) upon our rebirth in the Land of Bliss.
In other words, when our eyes see the landscape there, our ears hear the sounds there, our nose smells the odors there, our body touches the thing there, we will be totally enlightened. It is similar to Shakyamuni Buddha who was an ordinary being before he was seated on the bodhi altar. However, once he sat on the bodhi altar and watched the morning star, he was fully enlightened instantly with all paranormal powers and thousands of dharani manifested immediately.
經典上所說,尤其是曇鸞大師的《往生論註》, 都有談到往生極樂世界後,我們的六根對那裡的六塵,當下就悟道。
Namo Amitabha!