Saturday, April 29, 2017

April 29

Apr 29, 2017
“A wonderful substance with a myriad of virtues is the six-character great name; merits and virtues as much as the Ganges sand is available in the single practice of name-recitation” (Quotation of Master Honen).
“A myriad of virtues” is referred to the virtues attained in a myriad of practices of the Six Paramitas, in the 84,000 teachings, and in all scriptures in the Three Canons and the Twelve Divisions. Where is the substance of the myriad of virtues? That is the six-character name.
This six-character name is equated with the sufficient merits and virtues as much as the Ganges sand. The practitioner is merely required to recite “Namo Amituofo” single-mindedly with his mouth; he will then attain the merits and virtues as much as the Ganges sand.
Namo Amitabha!