Friday, October 13, 2017

Oct 13

Oct 13, 2017
Amitabha-reciters who learn the Pure Land teaching should start everything with Amitabha-recitation. Let’s commence Amitabha-recitation on the New Year Day of each year. Morning is the time for planning our daily work. So, let’s start the day with Amitabha-recitation in the morning, after which we have our breakfast and go to work, dealing with numerous affairs of the day.
As we wish to clear all karmic obstructions and gain more blessings and wisdom during this day and this year, we start with Amitabha-recitation, having Amitabha Buddha with us all the time.  At this moment, “I am not myself anymore but Amitabha”. At the same time, “Amitabha ascends and I (my ego) descend”, which means our perception diminishes and even becomes extinct, leaving Amitabha’s perception only.
學淨土法門的念佛人,凡事都是從念佛開始的; 一年的元旦從念佛開始,而一日之計在於晨,所以早上也是由念佛開始,之後才用早餐、去上班,日理萬機。
因為我們希望這一年、這一天當中,能夠業障消除、福慧增長,所以一切都是以念佛為開始,有阿彌陀佛和我們在一起,而此時是「不再是我,而是彌陀」,同時也是「彌陀興旺,而我衰微」,也就是凡夫的知見衰微, 甚至消除了,只剩下佛的知見。
Namo Amitabha!