Oct 25, 2017
The primary texts on which the Pure Land School specially relies are “the three sutras and one treatise” (i.e. Infinite Life Sutra, Contemplation of Infinite Life Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, and Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land). Secondary texts include other two hundred classical texts in which Shakyamuni Buddha mentions about Amitabha and the Land of Bliss in various occasions throughout his life. It is said that all the thousand sutras and ten thousand treatises point to [the destination], and all the saints and sages of the past approached toward [the texts]”. Certainly, there are rich scholastic learning resources in this school.
Hence, the tenet “don’t pursue pure learning, do develop faith” does not oppose learning but “pure learning”. Why? Given that we don’t pursue pure learning but develop faith, our learning is to facilitate nurturing of faith and not scholastic pursuit. We do learn but our goal is not for learning itself. Learning should eventually direct us to the faith. The purpose is faith, not academic. No matter we have academic learning or not, faith is our final ending.
(continued tomorrow)
Namo Amitabha!