Thursday, November 2, 2017

Nov 2

Nov 2, 2017
If convenient, place a recording device at home to play the sound of “Namo Amituofo” from time to time, so that kids will hear Amitabha’s name and be perfumed (or influenced). Good and evil are 100% related to karma of the past. If the kid has more favorable causal conditions cultivated in the past with good roots of virtues and blessings, the parents have nothing to worry about.
However, in case the kid had heavy bad karma in his past life, let him hear or even better let him recite Amitabha’s name will eradicate his karmic offenses in advance. Hence, relatively speaking, he will not become an evil person in the future, and will attain more good virtuous blessings. Of course, while encouraging their kids to recite Amitabha’s name, the parents should also frequently recite Amitabha’s name.
If the kids can read, bring them some Buddhist storybooks as they generally love comics, and will follow the moral lessons of the stories. Having read these books, their stubborn and disobedient characters may change gradually, and they will become kindhearted and honest due to the influence of the Buddhist teachings.
如果方便,可以在家裏放一台「南無阿彌陀佛」 的念佛機,常常播放佛號,讓孩子多聽聞薰習。因為善、惡跟每個人過去的業有百分之百的關係,如果這個孩子過去種的善根福德因緣比較多,當然不用父母操心;萬一孩子過去世的業比較重,如果能夠念佛號給他聽──最好讓他自己念佛,預先消除自己的業障,那麼將來孩子就比較不會變壞,也比較具足福德因緣。當然,要讓孩子多念佛,父母本身也要多念佛。
Namo Amitabha!