Nov 26, 2017
Master Shandao says in “In Praise of Dharma Practices”
The Land of Bliss is a realm of unconditioned nirvana;
It’s hard to be reborn there by practicing assorted virtues according to circumstances. The Tathagata selects the key method –
He teaches us to recite Amitabha’s name with two-fold exclusivity.
The Land of Bliss is a realm of unconditioned nirvana, in which relative concepts like “senior” and “junior”, “high” and “low”, levels, or classes do not exist; neither the ideas of you-and-me, one and the other, beloved and enemies, being good and bad. All kinds of delusion in view and afflictions, worldly obstruction and ignorance are cut away. All illusory phenomena are like stage performance, cannot hinder and interfere [in this realm] forever. Hence, it is called “unconditioned nirvana”.
The nirvana there is the unsurpassed one, and it is also the realm of reward land of Amitabha, a reward Buddha.
(continued tomorrow)
善導大師在《法事讚》說:「極樂無為涅槃界, 隨緣雜善恐難生,故使如來選要法,教念彌陀專復專」。「極樂無為涅槃界」,無為涅槃是沒有上下、高低、品位、階級,也沒有你我、彼此、冤親、好壞的對待;煩惱、見思二惑、塵沙無明統統斷盡,離諸戲論,永無障礙,所以叫作無為涅槃。這裡的涅槃是指無上涅槃的意思,同時也是阿彌陀佛的報佛、報土的境界。
Namo Amitabha!