Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Nov 29

Nov 29, 2017
What is the heaviest burden in our life? Not money we owe, not lack of food to eat for a day, as they can be overcome anyway. It will get over eventually. The heaviest burden is reincarnation of birth and death, which is unbearable.
It is Amitabha Buddha who takes over and bears this burden for us. He clears our karmic obstruction that lead us to reincarnation of birth and death, and he accomplishes all pure karma for us necessary in achieving Buddhahood. Here comes the saying, “He shoulders the heavy karmic burdens for a multitude of sentient beings’.
Amitabha Buddha takes over all of our heavy burdens. We merely rely on him, recite his Name, and then we can acquire his unsurpassed merits and virtues, and get our karmic offenses cleared. Hence, the Infinite Life Sutra says, “Without being requested, he gives them (merits and virtues) to the poor.”
我們人生最重的擔子是什麼?不是欠人家的錢、 也不是三餐不繼,這些再怎樣都會過去、會突破的;最重的是生死輪迴這個擔子,是我們擔負不起的。
阿彌陀佛把我們的一切承擔起來。只要依靠祂、稱念祂的名字,就可以消除我們的業障,獲得無上 的功德,所以《無量壽經》說:「以不請之法,施諸黎庶。」
Namo Amitabha!