Dec 10, 2017
We need to focus and go deep in any one of the teachings [in Buddhism]. If we do not focus and go deep in only one teaching, it is impossible for us to achieve any result, particularly for the Sagely Path (as it is a difficult path), otherwise we cannot achieve any result. It is the same for the Pure Land Path though it is regarded as the easy path.
The characteristic of Pure Land Path is easiness. It is easy because it can be accomplished in this lifetime, and perfectly completed in present life. It is because Pure Land teaching is exclusive and specialized without any assorted and mixed practices. If there has no specialization or exclusivity in Pure Land Buddhism, this teaching will lose its characteristics of ‘easiness’ and splendor’.
Simply speaking, a person who has faith in the Pure Land teaching must keep to be ‘exclusive’ in practicing in order to manage the essence of pristine Pure Land Buddhism.
Namo Amitabha!