Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dec 13

Dec 13, 2017
The Amitabha Sutra says, “Listening to [the Buddha speaking of] Amitabha”. The aim of “listening to [the Buddha speaking of] Amitabha” is to allow us to believe and accept the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s name.
That is why Master Honen says, “if you do not believe upon listening, you have not listened [to what was said]; if you do not recite [Amitabha’s name] upon believing, you have not believed [in Amitabha’s deliverance]. So, we should always recite Amitabha’s name.”
You have heard of the teaching, but you do not believe; it is the same as you have not heard of it. You say you believe this teaching, but you do not recite “Namo Amituofo” single-mindedly and exclusively; it is the same as you have not believed it. After all, we should recite “Namo Amituofo” single-mindedly and exclusively.
所以法然上人說:「聞而不信如不聞,信而不稱如不信,故應常稱彌陀名」。雖然聽聞了這個法, 但是不相信,等於沒聽到;雖然相信這個法,但是未一心專念南無阿彌陀佛,這樣等於沒有相信,所以最後還是應一心專念南無阿彌陀佛。
Namo Amitabha!