Sunday, December 24, 2017

Dec 24

Dec 24, 2017
At work, we can recite with a distracted mind, and don’t need to count the number, and counting is not possible too. While walking, we can also recite by moving lips. At that time, to count or not to count depends on individual preference, and there is no requirement or restriction at all. The way is flexible to suit our aptitude and the environment. If we can understand the principle, recitation of Amitabha’s name is free and easy, lively and joyfully.
Having said that, the practice varies from person to person. If one plans to practice walking-recitation for half an hour, he can count ten instead of holding prayer beads. Don’t bother about the number of recitation, just stop reciting when the time is up, and then move on with other business.
If we wish to motivate ourselves to recite more, and prevent ourselves from being slothful or slackening, we can set a target number for a day, say 20,000, 10,000 or a few thousands, and use the prayer beads as an aid for counting. By doing so, the prayer beads help us to control our slackening mind.
不過這也因人而異,如果預計要經行半個鐘頭,不拿念珠也可以, 可以十念記數,不管念佛數目,時間到了就去做該做的事;如果為了策勵自己,雖然時間有限,但怕會懈怠,那就固定數目,固定一天兩萬、一萬或幾千,就可以藉由念珠來數,等於這條念珠也能夠約束自己懈怠的心。
Namo Amitabha!