Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dec 5

Dec 5, 2017
Though we may have virtuous practices apart from Amitabha-recitation, such as filial love to parents, serving teachers, being sincere and scrupulous in human relationships, getting rid of evil and practicing good, and other worldly virtues, or even practicing meditative virtues, it does not increase the chance of attaining rebirth [in the Land of Bliss]. So, we do not rely on, and not to dedicate all these virtues because the great name of a myriad of virtues is wholly sufficient to enable us to be reborn there.
So, it is fine to follow our capacity and aptitude in reciting this Name – Namo Amituofo [for rebirth]. Don’t rely on any virtuous practice other than Amitabha-recitation.
雖然念佛以外我們有其他功行,比如孝順父母、 奉事師長、敦倫盡分,去惡行善等世間善的功德,或者修其他禪定功夫,但這對往生來講沒有增加,我們不靠這個,也不迴向這個,因為往生功能,萬德洪名完全具足。
Namo Amitabha!