Dec 8, 2017
Faith is very important to us, even more than our life. Keeping the faith, the person will devote and integrate his whole body, mind and spirit, as well as his daily life to the faith. The most concerned interests in his life are all related to the faith, and he will talk about his faith all the time.
If people follow different faiths, can they get along well? No. Definitely they can’t. The Christian Bible says, “Do not be mismated with unbelievers.” (2 Cor 6:14) Confucian says, “People of different moral convictions cannot get along.” So, keep a distance from those who follow a different path. In foreign countries, missionaries being sent to extend their faith are all formally trained teachers; otherwise, they will not easily start their overseas missionary work, because persuading unbelievers is by no means an easy task. Clearly, it is not easy to teach common people, not to mention people of other faith. To provide guidance for them will be even more difficult. It will be laudable if one is immune from other faiths encountered.
Namo Amitabha!