Jan 14, 2018
The proverb says, “Contact with vermilion makes one red, with ink makes one black; contact with the sage makes one bright, with the fool makes one dull.” (Equivalent to “The finger that touches rouge will be red.”) If we follow experienced teachers and get together with helpful friends, we will also learn the wisdom, understand the truth, and even achieve Buddhahood. If we get together with people who know nothing, we will quite likely become one of them. Following a crowd walking toward the East, you will go eastward; following a crowd walking toward the West, you will automatically go westward.
Hence, Master Shandao asks us to get close to “intimate friends walking on the same path”. Walking on the same path refers to peers who are learning the same school of Pure Land Buddhism. If they are not learning the teachings of our school, don’t get close to them, no matter they are lay practitioners or belong to a monastic assembly, a teacher or a student. Don’t get close to them, because we may change according to circumstances, and circumstances will imperceptibly change us.
Namo Amitabha!