Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jan 21

Jan 21, 2018
The ultimate aim of studying Buddhism is to become a Buddha. However, before becoming a Buddha, we hope our karmic offenses can be cleared, and our wisdom and blessing increased. Contemplation Sutra says, “In this way, he sincerely and continuously says 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha' [Na-mo-o-mi-t'o-fo] ten times. Because he calls the Buddha's Name, with each repetition, the evil karma that he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara is extinguished.”
As long as we sincerely recite Namo Amituofo, our heavy offenses of birth-and-death in reincarnation can be extinguished at each moment of our Buddha-invocation. So, we have to exclusively recite Namo Amituofo no matter we want to eliminate karmic offenses or enrich wisdom and blessing. Nothing is better than exclusively reciting Namo Amituofo, which is simple [in practice], yet splendid [in reward].
我們學佛最終的目的是要成佛,可是在還沒成佛 之前,也希望能消業障、增福慧,《觀無量壽經》說:「如是至心,令聲不絕,具足十念,稱南無阿彌陀佛。稱佛名故,於念念中,除八十億劫,生死之罪。」
Namo Amitabha!