Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 14

Apr 14, 2018
What is the reward (or stage of attainment) for a person who experientially enters into the perseverance of the no-birth dharma? It’s the seventh stage or above. In the Infinite Life Sutra, three kinds of perseverance are mentioned: sound and echo perseverance, perseverance in receptivity, and perseverance in the principle of no-birth. “Sound and echo perseverance” means experientially entering the stage upon hearing the sound of Dhramas, which is equivalent to the tenth stage. “Perseverance in receptivity” is settlement of mind, unmoved upon thinking about the truth of the absolute reality of all dharma, and upon receiving and following the truth one has experientially entered, which is equivalent to the stages of the Ten Benevolence. “Perseverance in the principle of no-birth” is equivalent to the seventh stage of bodhisattva.
Namo Amitabha!