Saturday, June 16, 2018

June 16

Jun 16, 2018
Our image looks like a Buddhist: we use words from the Buddhist teachings, and do things common to Buddhist practices. Our mind inside, however, is full of greed, anger and delusion. The “Five Aggregates” there are impetuous and swirling, and will burst out, intentionally or unintentionally, into a mind of greed, hatred, ignorance, fuss, and jealousy.
So, the Ksitigarbha Sutra says, “The ideas, words, and behavior brought forth by sentient beings in Jambudvīpa are nothing more than karma, nothing more than sins.” The Sutra of Pure Deliverance by Bodhisattvas also says, “Each person produces 840 million thoughts in one day, and the act derived from each of these thoughts is nothing more than karma of the Three Wretched Realms.”
Namo Amitabha!