Aug 4, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching
We have been kept in the boundless and endless cycle of reincarnations for numerous lives, and committed offenses of the Five Gravest Transgressions and the Ten Unwholesome Deeds. Our mind holds greed, anger, delusion, arrogance and doubt in store, and all our thoughts, once arise, are going after wealth, sex, fame, foods and sleep. Therefore, our mental mind and physical body are full of the poisons of greed, anger, delusion, arrogance and doubt, as well as the desires for wealth, sex, fame, foods and sleep.
So, whatever we think in our mind are karma and offenses, just as the Ksitigarbha Sutra says, “For all sentient beings in Jambudvipa, what they act and what they think are nothing other than karma and offenses.”
Namo Amitabha!