Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Oct 31 2018

Oct 31, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings - Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

“Don’t be surprised by transcending the Ten Bodhisattva Stages through reciting Amitabha’s Name even once. You should know the Six Characters include all of the teachings of the Three Vehicles.”  As said by Master Yinguang.

Master Yinguang teaches us not to doubt, nor be surprised that the single practice of reciting this one Name – Namo Amituofo, can transcend the Ten Grounds of the Bodhisattvas without needing to practice for three Great Asaṃkhyeyakalpas. One should know the attributes of this Six Character Great Name contain a myriad of virtues, greater than those of the Three Vehicles - Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and Bodhisattvas. (even the Bodhisattvas of Equal enlightenment)


Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Oct 30 2018

Oct 30, 2018

If we are touched by Amitabha Buddha’s great kindness, compassion, and love, we will naturally forgive and tolerate others. (just like Amitabha forgives and tolerates us) At the same time, we will not be as stubborn as before, or wish for anything in return. We try our best to emulate Amitabha’s non- discriminatory compassion in his deliverance.

Though we are not sufficient in roots of virtues and blessing, we become rich in roots of virtues and blessings, seeking no notice at all. In our hearts we know, it is all Amitabha’s doing, and we feel it is the influence of Amitabha Buddha. It is the fermentation of the Buddha’s virtues – a chemical reaction that can transform our mind-nature naturally, and elevate our temperament. It can transform us into the best example of a true Buddhist.



Namo Amituofo!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Oct 29 2018

Oct 29, 2018

A quote from Master Shandao - a text about “paying no attention to the rivers of water and fire” from the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra.

Encouraged by Shakyamuni to proceed on the path towards the West, and hearing the call of Amitabha’s boundless compassion, the practitioner believes and follows the instructions of the two Buddhas. He pays no attention to the rivers of water and fire; but, gives his full attention, without any distractions, to following the Path. He is propelled by the power of Amitabha’s Vow.After death he attains rebirth in the Land of Bliss, and wholeheartedly rejoices upon seeing the Buddha!

善導大師語錄 - 《觀經疏》「不顧水火」之文:
仰蒙釋迦發遣,指向西方;又藉彌陀,悲心招喚。 今信順二尊之意,不顧水火二河,念念無遺,乘彼願力之道。 捨命以後,得生彼國,與佛相見,慶喜何極也。

Namo Amituofo!

Oct 28 2018

Oct 28, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra

What is the core teaching of the Great (Infinite Life)Sutra? It is the 18th  Vow. The 18th Vow is called the Primal Vow, or the Fundamental Vow. Shakyamuni Buddha explained the 18th
Vow in the text on “fulfillment of the 18th  Vow”.

What is the 18th Vow about? It’s about “faith, aspiration and practice”; but, its essence is “ to practice even ten times”.

“Even ten times” refers to Amitabha-recitation, which is the conclusive statement made by Master Shandao – “always exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name. For assured rebirth, those practitioners in the present life should recite for their entire life and those near the end-of-life should recite even ten times, or as few as once.”So, “ten times”refers to Amitabha-recitation. It is, of course, a symbolic phrase with an inclusive meaning, not confined to ten times.


Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Oct 27 2018

Oct 27, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings about Taking Refuge to Amitabha

“Namo” is “taking refuge”. There are two meanings of “taking refuge”, one is explained from the side of the Buddha and the other is explained from the side of sentient beings.

In the Saha World, sentient beings suffer from impermanence and reincarnation within the Six Realms. If we can take refuge in Amitabha’s Infinite Life , we can have the same longevity as Amitabha Buddha, and cease reincarnation. Hence, taking refuge is: abandoning our impermanent, offensive , defiled life to return to Amitabha’s eternal and pure life. Our life becomes one with Amitabha’s life, so that we have the same Infinite Light and Infinite Life as he.




Namo Amituofo!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Oct 26 2018

Oct 26, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings about Taking Refuge to Amitabha

Master Shandao says, “Namo means taking refuge, aspiration for rebirth, and merit dedication. Taking refuge is our response to Amitabha’s call, to return to our home in the Pure Land. This is explained from the side of the Buddha. Moreover, taking refuge refers to obeying his command to return home. We do not disobey Amitabha’s order. We simply heed his call and take refuge.
(continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oct 25 2018

Oct 25, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching

For those ignorant people who commit the Five Gravest Transgressions , the Ten Unwholesome Deeds, and perform all evil karma, they can do good and avoid doing evil if they have wisdom. It is because they are ignorant, they do evil. Those ignorant are not other persons, but ourselves. We are of this kind of people life after life.


Namo Amitabha!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Oct 24 2018

Oct 24, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings

According to its functions, Amitabha’s light has different names. In the Infinite Life Sutra, there are generally twelve kinds of light. They are: Buddha of Infinite Light, Buddha of Boundless Light, Buddha of Unhindered Light, Buddha of Incomparable Light, Buddha of the Flame King’s Light, Buddha of Pure Light, Buddha of Joyous Light, Buddha of Wisdom Light, Buddha of Unceasing Light, Buddha of Inconceivable Light, Buddha of Ineffable Light, Buddha whose Light Surpasses that of the Sun and Moon.

Among all, the meaning of Buddha of Incomparable Light is that , no other Buddhas’ lights can be compared with that of Amitabha. This is because Amitabha Buddha is unique and absolutely incomparable. Moreover, since Amitabha Buddha’s light is so far beyond all other Buddhas, he is called the “Buddha of the Flame King’s Light.”


Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Oct 23 2018

Oct 23, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings about Faith in Pure Land

In discussing vows, there are general vows and special vows. Amitabha’s special vows are the 48 vows, which have little in common with those of other Buddhas. As Amitabha is the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life, his 48 vows reflect those qualities. Their depth of wisdom and compassion is transcendental, far beyond those of all other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

In the Infinite Life Sutra, Amitabha vows,” I have made vows unrivaled in all the worlds.”In the Sutra of Praise of Amitabha, Shakyamuni Buddha also extols Amitabha’s vows: “ the Vows made transcend those of all other Buddhas.” Therefore, Amitabha’s special vows are “transcendental special vows”, also known as “great vows of special intent”.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Oct 22 2018

Oct 22, 2018
Master Huijing’s Short Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism: Worldly Truths

To practice Pure Land teaching, we have to “learn Amitabha Buddha’s great compassionate mind”, just as taught by Master Shandao, the defacto founder. When we learn Amitabha’s great compassionate mind – “ we treat others the way Amitabha treats us.”

So, I hope all the lotus friends in different places can keep this in mind - “peace in poverty, and joy in truth,” do all things for the sake of compassion for sentient beings, and do not keep anything for ourselves. We are to serve sentient beings and
sacrifice all for them.


Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Oct 21 2018

Oct 21, 2018
A quotation from Master Shandao

A text about ‘ the mind of aspiration for rebirth’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra

“ The pure thought of aspiration for rebirth emerges from the midst of sentient beings’ greed, anger, and afflictions.”



Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oct 20 2018

Oct 20, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about the Infinite Life Sutra

The Lotus Sutra only guides beings in the Three Vehicles to Buddhahood; but, in the Infinite Life Sutra, beings of the Five Vehicles are delivered. Furthermore, all of them can equally realize the same Infinite Light and Infinite Life as Amitabha, as stated in Amitabha’s 48 Vows. With respect to his true original intent, the Infinite Life Sutra reveals Shakyamuni’s original intent most clearly.


Namo Amitabha!

Oct 19 2018

Oct 19, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about the Infinite Life Sutra

The other sutra that reveals Shakyamuni’s original intent is the Infinite Life Sutra. However, in comparing the two sutras, which reveals his intent more clearly? It is the Infinite Life Sutra.

This is because those guided in the Lotus Sutra are Shravakas, Pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattvas - the Three Vehicles. These are already realized sages; but, they are by
far the minority. As stated in the Infinite Life Sutra, those sentient beings to be delivered are not confined to the Three Vehicles; but, includes those in the Five Vehicles.(which includes: Shravakas, Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattvas, the human vehicle, and the heavenly vehicle.)

Because it includes “equal entry for the Five Vehicles”, it fulfills the part of Amitabha’s 18th Vow that covers “sentient beings of the ten directions”.

(to be continued tomorrow)




Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Oct 18 2018

Oct 18, 2018

With respect to the whole era of the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, there are only two sutras that mention his original intent. As we all know, one is the Lotus Sutra. It says, “Due to great causal conditions, the Buddha was born in this world.”

Following this statement, Shakyamuni Buddha’s original intent, as stated in the Lotus Sutra is: “to open, to show, to inspire, and to enter”, in order for those in the Three Vehicles - Shravakas, Pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattvas, to return to the One Buddha Vehicle. This is known as “guiding the three to return to the one” – to guide those in the Three Vehicles to return to the One Vehicle. This was the original reason for Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth in the world.

(continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Oct 17 2018

Oct 17, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Taking Refuge to Amitabha

“Taking refuge” means “returning”, “relying” and “trusting”, so as to have peace and security in his care. We place our trust in Amitabha to rescue us from the sea of sufferings and reincarnation, and carry us to the Other Shore. To conclude, when we take refuge in the Three Jewels, we are taking refuge in“Namo Amitabha Buddha”. It is because, all Buddhas of the ten directions and Shakyamuni Buddha, urge us and guide us to ultimately rely on “Namo Amitabha Buddha”.



Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Oct 16 2018

Oct 16, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Deep Faith in Aptitude and in Teaching

From the point of view of the Sagely Path, it is impossible to have the concept of “two kinds of determinant deep faith ( in aptitude and teaching),” because all practitioners on the Sagely Path must think they have the capacity and aptitude of
sagely beings. They must also think only those who practice the Pure Land teaching rely on Amitabha’s power and deliverance. Some rely more and some less. In this respect, they lack understanding, realization, and deep faith in “aptitude and teaching.”


Namo Amitabha!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Oct 15 2018

Oct 15, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Right View on Buddhist teachings

As far as the pristine Pure Land teaching is concerned, the Land of Bliss is a reward land. (not the “Common Land for the Ordinary and Sagely Beings”, not the “Expedient Land for those in Residual Nirvana”, not the “Adorned Land of Bodhisattva’s Real Retributions”); but, is a reward land of transcendental splendor, different from all other kinds of pure lands in the ten directions.

So, the Land of Bliss cannot be explained with the theory of the Four Lands, or with other so-called “coarse” pure lands. It has nothing in common with any other kinds of reward pure lands or manifested pure lands.



Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Oct 14 2018

Oct 14, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Right View on Buddhist teachings

A writing by Master Zhizhe, called the “Commentary on the Ten Doubts about the Pure Land”, follows basically the lineage of Master Tanluan’s “Commentary on the Treatise of Rebirth”. Almost all the contents are quoted from the “Commentary on
the Treatise of Rebirth”. Is that book really written by Master Zhizhe? Some people say yes; some say no.

However, this book doesn’t just influence the Tientai School; but, other schools as well. (particularly the Pure Land School. ) They place great weight on the“Commentary on the Ten Doubts about the Pure Land”; but, most of them do not
know it is inherited from the “Commentary on the Treatise of Rebirth”.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Oct 13 2018

Oct 13, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Faith in Pure Land

“Transcendental Vow” means the compassionate vow that transcend all Buddhas of the ten directions in the three periods of time. It also means, with recourse to Amitabha’s inconceivable vow power, all those sentient beings of the ten directions who are not likely to be delivered and to be reborn in the Pure Land can attain rebirth, without changing the original shape of iniquitous beings in the world of Five Defilements in terms of gender and blessings. Thus, Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow is called “transcendental compassionate vow”, and the path is called “transcendental straight path”.

Since Amitabha Buddha made this transcendental vow “sentient beings of the ten directions [recite my name] even ten times; should not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment” in his causal ground, and since he accomplished this unprecedented vow, this Buddha is called “Namo Amitabha Buddha”.



Namo amituofo!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Oct 12 2018

Oct 12, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Attributes of the Pure Land School of Buddhism: Worldly Truths

Learning Buddhism is  “learning Amitabha Buddha’s great compassion”. We should treat all sentient beings with the great compassionate mind, and accept them, forgive them, appreciate them, understand them, so-called “to be kind in understanding others”. If we can kindly understand each other, we will deal with all matters positively, avoid any negative thinking, or not express it out if we cannot stop thinking in a negative way, or not argue and fight with others to the least extent.


Namo Amitabha!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Oct 11 2018

Oct 11, 2018
A quotation from Master Shandao

A text about ‘right attention to go forward’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra

You, with singleness of mind and right attention go forward at once; I will protect you! Do not be afraid of falling into the perils of fire or water!



Namo Amitabha!

Oct 10 2018

Oct 10, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about the Infinite Life Sutra

In the Chapter on Dissemination, there are four main points in the transmission given by Shakyamuni Buddha to Maitreya Bodhisattva:

1. One will attain great benefit with sufficient unsurpassed merits and virtues by merely reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha.

2. No matter how much in pain we are, we must strive to hear this teaching. Even if we had to jump over a sea on fire, the merits and virtues received are so great, it would be worth it. Many Bodhisattvas have no opportunity to hear it. If someone can hear this teaching, he will not retrogress, and will be assured of becoming a Buddha.

3. To keep this teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance existent in the universe forever. Even in the period between the extinction of one Buddha and the descent of another Buddha in the human world, continue to disseminate the teaching and transmit it on and on.

4. It is extremely difficult matter for a person who can hear this teaching, and can further believe it.


Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Oct 9 2018

Oct 9, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Teaching on the Infinite Life Sutra

The Infinite Life Sutra mainly reveals the cause and effect of Amitabha’s deliverance of sentient beings, and emphasizes the merits and virtues of exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name.

The merits and virtues of exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name are vast. Whether you are a monastic or householder, a practitioner or not, you can exclusively recite this Name (Namo Amitabha Buddha). In so doing, you will be liberated from reincarnation within the Three Domains and the Six Realms, attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss, and expedite the achievement of Buddhahood. However, it is very difficult for sentient beings to believe.As it is difficult to believe,

Shakyamuni Buddha gave special instructions to Maitreya Bodhisattva. Why did he choose Maitreya? It is because he is a Bodhisattva of Equal Enlightenment, who will succeed Shakyamuni Buddha as the Buddha of the Saha World.(to preach and deliver sentient beings there)
(to be continued tomorrow)




Namo Amituofo!

Oct 8 2018

Oct 8, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Taking Refuge to Amitabha

Our Principal Buddha is Namo Amitabha Buddha, so what we obey, worship, make offerings, bow, praise and recite is only one Buddha – Namo Amitabha Buddha, so-called “only this one Buddha, not two and not three.”


Namo Amitabha!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Oct 7 2018

Oct 7, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching

We always have fear in our mind; what kind of fear is it? It is the fear of reincarnation within the Six Realms. So, we need to seek reliable backing support, thus we recite Amitabha’s Name for rebirth. If a person feels he is a sage, a good person, a practitioner that can liberate from reincarnation within the Six Realms in his own way, and cannot be fetched by the demon king of the Six Realms, he will not be earnest to aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss.


Namo Amitabha!

Oct 6 2018

Oct 6, 2018

Ever since, only those in the Shandao lineage proposed rebirth in reward land; and those who propagated the Pure Land teaching later [after Master Shandao] dared not say that. So-called “those who propagated the Pure Land teaching later” refer to the practitioners of Tientai School in Sung Dynasty. Most of them followed Master Zhizhe’s demarcation of teachings of the Four Lands. Since Master Zhizhe is the de facto founder of the Tientai School, his teaching is usually taken as the benchmark in Tientai School, so they believe ordinary beings can only be reborn in the “Common Land for Sagely and Ordinary Beings”[the lowest in the Four Land] .

They demarcate the teaching in this way because 1. They follow the teachings of the Tientai School, 2. They have not come across the theology of Pure Land teaching of Master Shandao (except Master Yuanzhao)

Namo Amitabha!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Oct 5 2018

Oct 5, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Faith in Pure Land

Where is Buddha’s wisdom? For Buddha’s compassion and wisdom, what is their function? It is the deliverance of sentient beings of the ten directions – to deliver all good and evil people, even those without any root of virtues, and those slandering the right teaching. One’s compassion is thorough, and one’s wisdom of deliverance is absolute, if one has the power to deliver such kind of sentient beings.

Among all Buddhas, Amitabha Buddha is the only one that his vow power is the deepest and greatest, his awesome virtues are most inconceivable, thus he is depicted to be the king among all Buddhas of the ten directions, and is extolled to be the Buddha whom all other Buddhas of the ten directions cannot match.



Namo Amituofo!

Oct 4 2018

Oct 4, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about Attributes of the Pure Land School of Buddhism: Worldly Truths

“Learn from Amitabha Buddha’s great compassion: Treat others the way Amitabha treats you.” The demand as said in the statement is very high. As far as we ordinary people are concerned, to what extent we can do depends on how far we learn.

If this is the case, how far we can realize Amitabha’s compassionate mind and feel Amitabha’s love, we should treat other people to the same extent, and vice versa. It means that, how we treat other people can prove how far we feel about Amitabha’s love.

If we feel about Amitabha’s love, we don’t bargain and don’t mind to lose, and have a spirit to give. We can even sacrifice to give as much as we can.




Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Oct 3 2018

Oct 3, 2018
Quotation of Master Shandao

A text about ‘three choices of definite dying’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra

If I turn back, I will die. If I remain here or press on across the river, I will also die. As it is the only way of survival, I have no choice but to attempt a crossing on the path and go forward. Since the path exists, it surely must be possible to walk across it!


我今迴亦死,住亦死,去亦死,一種不免死者! 我寧尋此道,向前而去;既有此道,必應可度。

Namo Amitabha!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Oct 2 2018

Oct 2, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about the Infinite Life Sutra

With respect to the merits and virtues of Amitabha-recitation, by comparing and contrasting the “ten times” mentioned in the 18th Vow, also the “one time’ in the fulfillment text of the 18th Vow, and the “awaken aspiration for Enlightenment, do various meritorious deeds” in the 19th Vow, what do we think? The conclusion lies on the third paragraph – instruction given to Bodhisattva Maitreya:
If there are people who hear the Name of that Buddha, rejoice greatly as to dance, and remember him even once, then you should know that they have gained great benefit by receiving the unsurpassed virtue.

The Buddha instructs Bodhisattva Maitreya to maintain and propagate Amitabha’s 18th Vow and the teaching of rebirth through Amitabha-recitation forever.

Referring to the three paragraphs in the Infinite Life Sutra, in terms of words, as well as the meaning, it is very strict and consistent. By comparing and contrasting, we know the close and tight relationship between the three paragraphs. They are so consistent all the way through, that it leads us to understand the main theme of the Infinite Life Sutra is the 18th Vow - the vow about rebirth through Amitabha-recitation.





Namo Amituofo!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Oct 1 2018

Oct 1, 2018
Master Huijing’s Dharma Words about the Infinite Life Sutra

So-called [Amitabha’s] Fundamental Vow is the 18th Vow of his 48 great vows. Moreover, there are two other texts related to the 18th Vow [in the Infinite Life Sutra]. Combining all three, it is called ‘the Three Important Texts of the Great Sutra.’ Those who learn this teaching should memorize these three texts by heart, then they can recite swiftly.

The first important text is the 18th Vow in 36 Chinese characters:
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who earnestly believe and rejoice, wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. Excepted are those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma.

The second important text is the fulfillment of 18th Vow in 36 Chinese characters:
All sentient beings who, having heard his Name, rejoice in faith, remember him even once and sincerely transfer the merit of virtuous practices to that land, aspiring to be born there, will attain immediate birth and dwell in the Stage of Non-retrogression. But excluded are those who have committed the five gravest offenses and abused the right Dharma."

This is the second important text. With respect to the words or its connotation, the 18th Vow and the fulfillment text of this vow are closely interrelated. The 18th Vow says – “should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment”, while the fulfillment text of the 18th Vow says – “will attain immediate birth and dwell in the Stage of Non-retrogression”.

“Will attain immediate birth and dwell in the Stage of Non-retrogression” reveals the characteristics of our school is assured rebirth in the present life, and non-retrogression in this lifetime. It also indicates that our teachings is the most ‘round’ and ‘sudden’ among all round and sudden teachings in Buddhism. As said by Master Ouyi, it is the foremost in expediency, unsurpassed in ultimate meaning, the most ‘round’ and ‘sudden’ among all round and sudden teachings.
(to be continued tomorrow)





Namo Amitabha!