Nov 8, 2018
Your gold is gone and your silver dispersed. Can you still grasp them in the realm of death? Your wife is gone and your son departed. You will never meet them again, even on the path to darkness.
When death comes, we know we are in a dream. We can bring nothing with us but our karma.
If we ponder these truths deep in our hearts, we will be less caught up in worldly matters. All of our emotions will be pacified and we will be less upset when we are unfairly treated. If we know we can take nothing with us at the end of our lives, and only karma accompanies us to see King Yama, we should not be so calculating. We can leave some merits to others, and bring some for ourselves.
Ordinary people speak that way; but, as Pure Land practitioners, we should deal with all matters with hearts and practices that are like Amitabha’s. As the saying goes, “Treat others the way Amitabha treats you.”
這些句子如果偶爾 思惟一下,就能滌蕩我們的心靈,讓我們對世間、恩怨比較不會那麼計較、不平、不滿,情緒比較能夠平撫。 想到人生最後也是空手一雙,隨業去見閻羅王,就不應該計較,反而要留下一 些功德,帶一些功德去。
當然這是就一般人來講的。就我們修學淨土法門來講 ,凡事應該以彌陀之心為心,以彌陀之行為行,就像「宗風──俗諦」所說的: 「彌陀如何為我,我便如何為人」。
Namo Amituofo!