Thursday, February 28, 2019

Feb 27 2019

Feb 27, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings

1. Conspicuous calling and conspicuous response – During Amitabha-recitation, the calling and response are obvious, and the reciter feels it.

2. Conspicuous calling but non-conspicuous response – During Amitaba-recitation, the calling is obvious; but, the response is hidden. The reciter does not feel and observe it.

3. Non-conspicuous calling but conspicuous response – a person has recited Amitabha’s Name before (in this life or in a past life), and though the person doesn’t recite it now, he feels blessed by Amitabha in some circumstances or under certain conditions.

4. Non-conspicuous calling and non-conspicuous response – Recited Amitabha’s Name before or in a past life. Though a person doesn’t recite now, he is blessed by Amitabha in some circumstances and under certain conditions without feeling it.

Sentient beings are different in roots of virtues and aptitudes; so, their karmic circumstances are different. Thus, the Buddha’s response to their karmic causes is also different. Regardless of the conspicuous calling and non-conspicuous response, all of these are Buddha’s expedient means to guide sentient beings to set forth their Bodhi Mind, in order to thoroughly eliminate suffering and fully establish happiness.



三、冥感顯應:以前或過去世曾經念佛,現在雖沒念,而遇事逢緣,明 顯感覺彌陀加被。



Namo Amituofo!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Feb 26 2019

Feb 26, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings

A cause must result in an effect, and a calling must echo with a response. These are natural laws. When Amitabha makes vows it is a cause, which belongs to a calling. That a sentient being recites Amitabha’s Name is both an effect and a response. That a sentient being recites Amitabha’s Name is a cause, which is also a calling. That Amitabha delivers is an effect and a response to the calling. However, some devoted Amitabha-reciters say they do not feel any calling or response. Actually, this is not quite true.

There are four kinds of responses upon calling.
(to be continued tomorrow)

有因必果,有感必應,乃天然之理。 彌陀發願是因,屬於感;眾生念佛是果,屬於應。 眾生念佛是因,屬於感;彌陀救度是果,屬於應。 然而,或有一向念佛,而全無感應;這並非全無感應,須知感應大略分為四種 :

Namo Amituofo!

Feb 25 2019

Feb 25, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land

The teaching of Amitabha-recitation is based on Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow of deliverance. It is also the original intent of Shakyamuni and the purpose of our lives. We simply wish to be reborn in the Pure Land through exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name and Amitabha, Shakyamuni and all of us are united. Buddha’s mind and sentient beings’ minds are aligned in our hearts; Buddha’s wish and sentient beings’ wishes match.

念佛一法,是彌陀救世本願,也是釋尊出世本懷,亦是我等出生目的。 但能願生淨土,專念彌陀,則彌陀、釋尊、我等,三者一致;佛心眾生心,心心相印,佛願眾生願,願願相契。

Namo Amituofo!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Feb 24 2019

Feb 24, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:
Worldly Truths

Amitabha-reciters are dependents of Amitabha Buddha in the Pure Land (just like children with the same blood line as their parents). Thus it is said, “We are originally Amitabha-reciters, and we grow from the same root.” We should love each other and be as close as siblings.

As we are Amitabha’s dependents in the Pure Land, and siblings of the same school, we should respect, and not slight each other, should get close to and not distance each other, should forgive and not criticize each other, should help and care about each other.

念佛人同是淨土眷屬,猶如兄弟,同秉父母(彌陀)氣血所生,可謂「本皆念 佛人,本皆同根生」,理宜互相友愛,情同手足。

既是淨土眷屬,也是同門師 兄弟,彼此要互相尊重不相輕視,相親近不相疏遠,相體諒不相批評,相幫助不相袖手。

Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Feb 23 2019

Feb 23, 2019
A quote from Master Shandao’s Dharma School of Contemplation and Recitation

A text stating “protected by 25 bodhisattvas in shadow”

Those who are exclusively mindful of Amitabha Buddha in the West, and aspire to be reborn, are always protected by the accompanying 25 bodhisattvas in shadow wherever they go. They don’t let evil ghosts and spirits annoy and disturb practitioners, who are always day and night, secured in peace.


Namo Amituofo!

Feb 22 2019

Feb 22, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra

Practicing various merits and virtues is the basic routine in cultivation. However, they are called “mixed practices” if they are dedicated for rebirth from the point of view of Amitabha’s Pure Land teaching. If we can exclusively recite Amitabha’s name and exclusively rely on Amitabha’s deliverance, our practice of various merits and virtues is not regarded as “mixed practice”, This is because we don’t rely on these for rebirth; but, totally rely on the merits and virtues of Amitabha’s Name.

Amitabha’s 19th Vow is mainly to attract and guide those people who practice various merits and virtues. This is because not all people can directly enter the 18th Vow. So, Amitabha Buddha makes this vow, and tells them: As long as you dedicate all your merits and virtues for rebirth in the Land of Bliss, I guarantee I will lead a multitude of sages and appear before you, welcome and receive you, when your life
comes to the end.

First, the 19th Vow does not mention exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s name. Secondly, it does not mention “should not be born, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”




Namo Amituofo!

Feb 21 2019

Feb 21, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra

“Various merits and virtues” – “various” refers to the myriad practices: the Six Paramitas, the Five Precepts, the Ten Wholesome Deeds, the Four Noble Truths, and the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination.

As far as Amitabha’s Pure Land teaching is concerned, rebirth through dedication of various merits and virtues is considered a “mixed practice” (as defined by Master Shandao) This is because they are plentiful, assorted, not pristine, and not exclusive.
(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Feb 20 2019

Feb 20, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha

Once we fall into the wretched realms, we face “serious , long term suffering”. The pain is very deep and unremitting. How can we be free? Recite Amitabha’s name! A person who can sincerely and earnestly recite Amitabha’s name , truly takes refuge in the Buddha.


Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Feb 19 2019

Feb 19, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching

Who are the targets of Amitabha’s deliverance? We don’t need to find the answer from the commentaries in books, or ask other people. We ask ourselves, who are we? Then we will know what kind of people are the targets of Amitabha’s


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Feb 18 2019

Feb 18, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings

Whether we talk about retribution under cause and effect or Amitabha-recitation in Pure Land teaching, evidence based on scriptures, reasoning, and facts is required. Through these means it becomes easier for people to believe, and practice with due diligence.

Evidence based on scriptures – scriptures spoken by the Buddha. If a Budhist does not believe and follow what the Buddha teaches, he is unorthodox. Thus it is said, “It is equal to a demon’s speech if it deviates, even one phrase, from the scriptures.” So, as a Buddhist, we must follow the scriptures based on the Three Studies -hearing, perceiving, and practicing.

Evidence based on reasoning – such as the exegesis of the scriptures. Examples are - the principle of rebirth in the Pure Land from the Amitabha Sutra, or the principle of retribution in hell as stated in the Ksitigarbha Sutra. If you want to understand a certain principle, you must follow the appropriate scripture, in order to not make a mistake.

Evidence based on fact – a principle must be supported by facts. If it is not , it is theoretical and abstract. In the world, every principle must be illustrated by a fact, and a fact must be supported by a principle.





Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Feb 17 2019

Feb 17, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Nevertheless, if we follow the method stated in the Lotus Sutra and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, we are still following “the Difficult Path” that we ordinary beings simply cannot accomplish. This is because it is a realm of Bodhisattvas.

However, if we recite Amitabha’s name, we can also achieve the aim of the Lotus Sutra. The profound treasure of the Flower Garland Sutra and the mysterious essence of the Lotus sutra is Amitabha-recitation. So, we know that Pure Land teaching is the key teaching of all Buddhas.

“Key teaching” means the most important and the main aim of all Buddhas. They advocate and propagate Amitabha-recitation. They advise and urge us to recite Amitabha’s Name.




Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Feb 16 2019

Feb 16, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land

Whether it is the 80 fascicle or 40 fascicle Flower Garland Sutra, the essence of the Sutra is found in the last Chapter. ( the Practice and Vow of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva) Its purpose is to guide the various Bodhisattvas in the Flower Garland assembly to aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. This is the aim and the profundity of the Flower Garland Sutra.

The Lotus Sutra also says: Those close to death can also be reborn in a lotus in the Land of Bliss and surrounded by various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, if they follow and practice this Sutra. When the lotus flower blossoms and one sees the Buddha, he can become a Buddha. In other words, the greatest mystery and essence of the 28 chapter Lotus Sutra is also rebirth in the Land of Bliss.
(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Feb 15 2019

Feb 15, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:
Worldly Truths

Whether it is the teaching of the Buddha or it is generally accepted societal behavior, changing one’s destiny starts with giving. For monastics, giving refers to giving the Dharma through preaching. What are the pre-requisites of Dharma giving? An ancient sage says, “Being a bit humble costs nothing.”

When giving the Dharma - if we don’t understand the Dharma and its profound meaning, and our eloquence is poor, what should we do? Be humble. Whether we are eloquent or not, we can do that. So, it says, “Being a bit humble costs nothing.”



Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Feb 14 2019

Feb 14, 2019
A quote from Master Shandao’s Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra

A text stating “protected by the two Bodhisattvas in shadow”

Those who exclusively recite Amitabha’s name are always accompanied and protected by Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta in shadow, like close friends and teachers.



Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Feb 13 2019

Feb 13, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra

The 19th Vow is one that involves the Bodhi Mind and cultivation of various merits and virtues; so, it facilitates those people who practice the Six Paramitas, and guides them to return to practicing Amitabha-recitation for rebirth. If they can return to practicing Amitabha-recitation, they are aspirants under the 18th Vow; if not, they continue to dedicate the Bodhi Mind and cultivate various merits and virtues for rebirth. Then Amitabha Buddha will appear to receive them, and comfort them.

It is because the cultivation of the Bodhi Mind and cultivation of merits and virtues cannot produce the effect of rebirth in the Pure Land by itself. However, Amitabha Buddha wishes to receive them through his 19th vow, so that they can dedicate and thus attain rebirth. “Though they can be reborn” – is what Master Shandao refers to in the Five Kinds of Primary Practices, because miscellaneous practices must be dedicated if they wish to be reborn.



Feb 12 2019

Feb 12, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha

Among those persons who wish to be good practitioners; but, cannot do so. There are those who deliberately commit offenses, or even adorn themselves with offenses because they believe the Buddha will save them. This doesn’t make any sense! If a person takes Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance as an excuse to do evil in his daily life, he must lack the two kinds of deep beliefs - in aptitude and in teaching.
They do not really believe, so they don’t receive the Buddha’s grace, and their behavior is not nurtured by the Buddha’s virtues.


Namo Amituofo!

Feb 11 2019

Feb 11, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge to Amitabha

“The ones who accumulate karmic offenses are human beings, the one who delivers us is the Buddha.” Upon believing in the Buddha’s power, we know our karmic offenses are heavy, so we have no home to go to except in hell; we have no way to be delivered, except the Pure Land teachings.

During believing and accepting Amitabha’s deliverance, we know we should repent; but, we haven’t the thought of repentance. We know we should regret; but, we haven’t any thought of regret. Our offenses are so heavy that they cannot be described. The minds of such persons are nurtured by the Buddha’s virtues and softened. They always think of the grace of the Buddha. Though they wish to dedicate their practices of universal virtues to sentient beings in the present life, they find that they have insufficient capacity.
(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Feb 10 2019

Feb 10, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching

Deep belief in teaching refers to deep belief in Amitabha Buddha’s compassion and deliverance. To us, Amitabha Buddha’s compassion and kindness are absolute. He treats each of us as his only child. He loves us, protects us, and delivers us unconditionally, equally, thoroughly, and without any reservations.

Above all, all Buddhists should have deep belief in aptitude and deep belief in teachings. In that way, they will have no vexations or disputes with others.



Namo Amituofo!

Feb 9 2019

Feb 9, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching

In Pure Land teaching, we realize we bear heavy karmic obstructions, incapable of sufficient meditative practices to liberate ourselves from the Three domains, and the Six Realms. We must accept and receive Amitabha’s deliverance with deep gratitude. This is known as “belief in aptitude” and “belief in teaching.”

Belief in aptitude – aptitude refers to us. We believe and realize our karmic obstructions are heavy, and the nature of our evil is severe. Through accepting these truths, our minds become yielding and we become humble. In all matters, we will no longer be arrogant, argumentative, or critical.

A true Buddhist should realize this principle easily, because he will be fully exposed, and see his original face through the mirror of the Buddhist teachings. At that moment, he dares not see “himself”; but, feels deeply regretful and ashamed. This is
known as “deep belief in aptitude”.
(to be continued tomorrow)




Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Feb 8 2019

Feb 8, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings

Once a practitioner can enter the meditative state, he has paranormal powers. That means at the very least, he can pass through walls without any obstruction; and know the past and the future. Even if he can practice and reach this meditative state, his “karmic practices are unreal”, and “cannot be upheld permanently”.

Shakyamuni Buddha says: At the end of his life, he has to reincarnate according to his karma, and will fall into the Three Wretched Realms – hell beings, hungry ghosts and animals. In other words, if a person is not reborn in the Land of Bliss, the Three Wretched Realms are waiting for him. Though he may ascend to heaven and live there, he does not escape from the Three Wretched Realms. So, what ordinary beings practice “cannot be upheld permanently”, and all are called “unreal karma. “



Namo Amituofo!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Feb 7 2019

Feb 7, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings

The Nirvana Sutra says, “Though a person attains the body of Brahma heaven, or even the Heaven of Non-Perception and No Non-Perception, he will fall into the Three Wretched Realms at the end of his life.”

Brahma heaven is the First Dhyana Heaven in the Form Domain. It is extremely difficult for a practioner to be reborn as a human being in his next life, not to mention being born in heaven or the Form Domain.

From the Form Domain, the practitioner can reach from the First Dhyana to the Fourth Dhyana through meditative practices. Over the past two decades until now, the only monastic who has been able to practice meditative virtues is Master Guangqin.

The Heaven of Non-Perception and No Non-Perception is the highest of all, where the lifespan of the beings can be as high as 84,000 kalpas.
(to be continued tomorrow)





Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Feb 6 2019

Feb 6, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land

Master Shandao says, “That Buddha's light shines boundlessly and without hindrance over all the worlds of the ten quarters; but, only embraces exclusive Amitabha-reciters, to protect and receive them without forsaking. It is for this reason that he is called Amitabha.”

Boundless and unhindered light seeks only Amitabha-reciters, and, at the same time, protects them and never leaves them. When they are close to death, Amitabha appears and delivers them to the Land of Infinite Light. This is the meaning of Amitabha.



Namo Amituofo!

Feb 5 2019

Feb 5, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:
Worldly Truths

“A person loses, but he will be compensated by the heavenly god.” Loss means being taken advantage of by others. If we are willing to be taken advantage of by others, and lose one part, the heavenly god will compensate us ten or even a hundred parts.

So, when we read this statement in the attributes of our school, it is teaching us that we should be tolerant and not argue, and have no negative or ill feelings. In so doing, we won’t feel that life is unfair or unsatisfactory, and our ability to endure will improve.



Namo Amituofo!

Feb 4 2019

Feb 4, 2019
A quote from Master Shandao’s “Dharma School of Contemplation and Recitation”

A passage about “the meaning of the Sutra of Protection of the Belief” in the “Dharma School of Contemplation and Recitation”

A person who exclusively recites Amitabha Buddha’s Name with singleness of mind, and aspires to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, always has his belief protected by all Buddhas in the six directions, as many as the sands of the Ganges. That is why the Amitabha Sutra is called the ‘Sutra of Protection of the Belief.’

Another meaning of “Sutra of Protection of the Belief” is, all Buddhas protect Amitabha reciters from evil ghosts and spirits. In so doing, they are spared from critical illnesses, accidental deaths,unexpected jeopardies, or misfortunes. All kinds of disasters and obstructions naturally disappear, unless one’s belief is not true.


Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Feb 3 2019

Feb 3, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra

In comparing the 18th Vow and the 19th Vow, the 18th Vow is made at the discretion of Amitabha Buddha himself, while the 19th Vow is made for the sake of people who practice at their own discretion.

就第十八願跟第十九願來講, 第十八願是阿彌陀佛隨自意而發,第十九願是隨他意所發。

Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Feb 2 2019

Feb 2, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha

Because we have afflictions, we have regrets, and thus recite Amitabha’s Name. Moreover, because of our afflictions, we are grateful for Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance. All of those Amitabha-reciters who aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss should not worry about their “qualifications” for rebirth because of their afflictions.

If we think in this way, Amitabha Buddha will be very disappointed, feel sad, and cry. Amitabha Buddha never looks down upon us. He vows to deliver us and cultivates for us. So, we should simply allow Amitabha to deliver us, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, without being bothered about the state of purity in our mind, or our skills in maintaining the single-minded state.



Namo Amituofo!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Feb 1 2019

Feb 1, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha

Do we have greed, anger and delusion? Do we have false and miscellaneous thoughts? If we don’t, we are already Arhats! If Amitabha’s targets of deliverance are Arhats, his vows that he took five eons to conceive, and his practices that he took countless eons to cultivate, will be meaningless. Isn’t it so?

It is because Arhats can liberate themselves from Samsara within the Three Domains and the Six Realms. Why do they need to be delivered by Amitabha Buddha? It is because we are sentient beings in the world of Fivefold Turbidity that we have to be delivered by Amitabha Buddha.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!