Friday, March 29, 2019

Mar 29 2019

Mar 29, 2019
A quote from Master Shandao’s Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra

A text about “the splendid rewards in the Land of Bliss” :
Amitabha’s own country is formed by his 48 vows. Each of the vows manifests the splendid augmentative causes. Based on the causes, it incurs the splendid practices. Based on the practices, it induces splendid rewards. Based on the rewards, it forms the circumstantial environment. Based on the circumstantial environment, it forms the Land of Bliss. Based on the Land of Bliss, it manifests the penetrative power to deliver sentient beings with compassion, which can reveal and open the gate of wisdom.

As his compassionate mind is immeasurable, his wisdom is also unfathomable. Executing his compassion and wisdom in parallel, the Buddha spreads sweet dew all over the worlds, nourishes sentient beings with Dharma teachings, and embraces them universally.


彌陀本國四十八願,願願皆發增上勝因, 依因起於勝行,依行感於勝果, 依果感成勝報,依報感成極樂, 依樂顯通悲化,依於悲化,顯開智慧之門。

然悲心無盡,智亦無窮;悲智雙行,即廣開甘露; 因茲法潤,普攝群生也。

Namo Amituofo!