Apr 17, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths
So, if we find we have no blessings, no good human relationships, and no smooth circumstances, we should take a look at ourselves, and not blame others. If we don’t examine our behaviors and blame others, we are not practicing correctly, and may face even worse circumstances.
Conversely, if we examine and improve ourselves, we will have a better and smoother future. Why? It is because, when we look at ourselves and do not blame others, the direct reward is improved. Once the direct reward is improved, the circumstantial reward is changed and improved accordingly.
所以我們如果覺得自己沒有福報,沒有人緣,處處不順,那就要檢討自己,而 不要怪罪別人;如果不檢討自己反而怪罪別人的話,這樣不僅不是修行人,而 且遭遇也會愈來愈慘。
反之,如果懂得反省而自我改進,未來就會愈有福報,會愈平順。為什麼?因 為能夠不怪罪別人而反求自己,正報就昇華了;正報昇華了,依報也就能夠改 善而跟著提昇。
Namo Amituofo!