Apr 18, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism
In order to be reborn in the Land of Bliss, we must rely on the Name with a myriad of virtues. We do not rely on our own cultivation because our cultivation does not contain a myriad of virtues. Thus, thoroughly speaking, it is conditional and unreal (because we have not cut off greed, anger, and delusion). Consequently, our practices and virtues are not considered to be real merits and virtues. These are unreal merits and virtues.
Therefore Master Tanluan says, “All heavenly and human virtues attained by ordinary beings, whether as the cause or the effect, are inverted and unreal. So they are called “unreal merits and virtues”. With respect to the unreal and inverted virtues practiced by ordinary beings, they do not match, in terms of cause and effect, those needed for rebirth in Amitabha’s Land of Bliss, a realm of Nirvana.
要往生極樂世界,必須要靠名號的萬德,不是靠我們的修行,因為我們所修的 行並沒有萬德,徹底而言,我們所修的行是虛假,不是真實。 因為只要還沒有斷除貪瞋癡,所修的行,所做的善,就不算是真實的功德,而是虛假的功德。
所以曇鸞大師說:「凡夫人天諸善,人天果報,若因若果,皆 是顛倒、皆是虛偽,是故名不實功德。」 依凡夫所修的虛偽顛倒的善行,要往生阿彌陀佛涅槃的極樂世界,是因果不相 應的。
Namo Amituofo!