Apr 19, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings
To see a Buddha, we can see through our physical eyes or our mind’s eye. In this case we are talking about seeing a Buddha in the Land of Saha or in the Pure Land, in this lifetime or near the end-of-life. All these are considered to be “seeing by our physical eyes”.
Seeing through our mind’s eye is the realization of Buddha-nature. It is like understanding the mind and seeing its nature. Though we do not see the 32 marks of a Buddha, we see and realize the Buddha nature. It is “seeing through the mind’s eye”. Moreover, realizing Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance is also a kind of “seeing the Buddha through the mind’s eye”.
心見就是體悟佛性,比如明心見性,雖然沒有見到佛的三十二相,但是見到佛 性、體會到佛性,這是心見;另外,體會到彌陀慈悲的救度,也是心見佛。
Namo Amituofo!