Saturday, April 20, 2019

Apr 20 2019

Apr 20, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching


A person with the two kinds of deep faith (in aptitude and in teaching), is considered to clearly believe in Buddha’s wisdom. It means he will live in Amitabha’s light forever, and his rebirth has been determined in this lifetime. It is known as “assured rebirth attained in this lifetime”, without waiting for auspicious accounts, or assisted recitation near the end-of-life. He is already living within Amitabha’s embrace, and being nurtured by Amitabha’s compassionate mind.

On one side, he has his habitual behaviors, due to greed, anger, delusion, vexation, false and miscellaneous thoughts. However, at the same time, he realizes he is incapable of cutting off this heavy habitual behavior. Due to this understanding his heart becomes softened, regretful, and ashamed. He also realizes what is true for him is true for all others. This understanding fosters compassion and kindness toward all.

一個機法二信的人,就是明信佛智,就是永在彌陀的光明當中,他的往生是平 生就已經決定了,這就是平生業成了,不必等臨終瑞相,也不必等臨終的助念 ,他是活在阿彌陀佛的懷抱當中,他是過著薰染彌陀悲心的生活。

他內心一方面有自己貪瞋癡煩惱妄想雜念這些習氣,也因為感覺體悟到自己這 種習氣習性濃厚難以斷絕,所以這顆心就柔軟下來,有慚恥之心,體會到一即 一切,所以了解別人也有這種心,因而互相包容、互相體諒。

Namo Amituofo!