Monday, April 22, 2019

Apr 22 2019

Apr 22, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra


Shakyamuni Buddha says, “In the future, all Buddhist scriptures and teachings will be extinguished;but, out of pity and compassion, I will especially preserve this Sutra and keep it in the world for a hundred years more. Those beings who encounter it will attain deliverance in accord with their aspirations.” All other sutras will be gradually extinguished; but Shakyamuni Buddha, with his great compassionate mind, continues to circulate the Infinite Life Sutra in the world, for the purpose of delivering sentient beings. Though it is said to be “one hundred years”, it should be understood to be endless time.

It says in the Sutra of the Assembly of the Infinite Life Tathagata, “I now advise the great assembly that I will allow this teaching to be here forever without extinction.” It is specially noted that this Sutra is to deliver all sentient beings in the ten directions, and it is the original intent of all Buddhas. Leaving this Sutra means to leave Amitabha’s Name; so, at the end, sentient beings are still to be delivered by this Name.

釋迦牟尼佛說:「當來之世,經道滅盡,我以慈悲哀愍,特留此經,止住百歲。其有眾生,值斯經者,隨意所願,皆可得度。」 其他經典都逐漸消滅了,但是釋迦牟尼佛還以祂的大悲心,為了救度眾生而使這部《無量壽經》繼續留在世間;雖說是一百歲,其實就是無盡的時間。

《無量壽如來會》言:「我今為大囑累,當令是法,久住不滅。」 何況這部經是度盡十方眾生的,是佛本懷中的本懷,留下這部經,等於留下彌 陀的名號,所以到最後,還是名號度眾生。

Namo Amituofo!