Apr. 24, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths
Whatever the cause will produce the respective effect. In between cause and effect, there must be a condition for occurrence. If a person strives to avoid evil and do good, with the idea of “building his life”, it is a favorable condition under which a good cause can produce a good effect. In contrast, an adverse cause, because of the absence of an adverse condition, will not produce any adverse effect.
General Buddhist practices are nothing more than reflecting upon and contemplating the mind. As all phenomena are created by mind, or the Alaya Consciousness (the manifestation of mind-consciousness in the past), it is thus called contemplating the mind.
(to be continued tomorrow)
有什麼「因」必然會有什麼「果」,因果之間必需假藉「緣」,若是有「立命 之學」的觀念,儘量能夠「諸惡莫作,眾善奉行」的話,這一個緣都是好的緣 ,使好的因會得好的果;而壞的因因為沒有壞的緣,所以不會得到壞的果。
一般修行無非是觀照、觀心,一切由心造,一切都是阿賴耶識──過去世的心識 展現出來的,所以說觀心。
Namo Amituofo!