Apr. 27, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings
Seeing the Buddha – you can see in the Land of Saha, and see in the Land of Bliss. Seeing in the Land of Saha- you do in this lifetime, as well as near the end-of-life. If you practice Amitabha-recitation vigorously (while sitting, walking, or dreaming)you may see Amitabha Buddha, the pure Bodhisattva assembly, and the pure splendid adornments of the Land of Bliss. This is known as “seeing the Buddha in this lifetime”.
(to be continued tomorrow)
見佛,有在娑婆世界見到的,有在極樂世界見到的;在娑婆世界見到的,有平 生見到的,有臨終見到的。 如果平生精進念佛,或在靜坐當中,或在經行當中,或者是夢中,看到阿彌陀 佛、清淨海眾菩薩,還有極樂世界的清淨莊嚴,這個就是平生見佛。
Namo Amituofo!