Apr. 28, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist Teachings
What is “seeing the Buddha near the end-of-life”? It means, though we cannot see the Buddha in this lifetime, we must see Him near the end-of-life. It is because, near the end-of-life, Amitabha Buddha must welcome us. After Amitabha comes, we can be safely reborn in the Land of Bliss. As it is said in the Amitabha Sutra,“when death comes, his mind will not be severely confused”.
When we see the Buddha near the end-of-life, once we have taken our last breath, we will smoothly and safely, without mental confusion, attain immediate rebirth. Where do we go? The Land of Bliss!
Thus it is said, “When death comes, his mind will not be severely confused. He will at once gain rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Land of Bliss.”
什麼是臨終見佛呢?就是平生雖然沒有見到,但是臨終一定會見到,因為臨命 終的時候,阿彌陀佛一定會預先來迎接我們,佛來了之後,我們就會順利安然 地往生極樂世界,就像《阿彌陀經》所講的:「是人終時,心不顛倒」。
Namo Amituofo!