Apr. 29, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Deep Faith in Aptitude and Teaching
The “two kinds of deep faith - in teaching and in aptitude” refer to faith, while the “karma of assurance of rebirth” refers to practice (name-recitation). It shows that our belief in the practice of name-recitation according to the Fundamental Vow is basically one entity. Faith and practice are non-dual and inseparable.
Master Shandao also says in the Preface of the Rites of Rebirth, Deep Faith is the genuine belief – to know we are ordinary beings full of afflictions, shallow and weak in roots of virtues, destined to reincarnate within the Three Domains, and incapable of leaving the burning house.
Now, we believe in Amitabha’s great Fundamental Vow, and understand that we are assured of rebirth by reciting Amitabha’s Name ten times or even once. Because we have no doubts it is called Deep Faith.
「二種深信」之文是就信(信心)而言,「正定業」之文是就行(稱名)而言 ;顯示信本願之念佛是信行一體、信行不二、信行不離。
此義善導大師之《往生禮讚》的前序亦言:「深心」即是「真實信心」:信知 自身是具足煩惱凡夫,善根薄少,流轉三界,不出火宅。
今信知彌陀本弘誓願 ;及稱名號,下至十聲一聲等,定得往生;乃至一念無有疑心,故名深心。
Namo Amituofo!