Apr. 30, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha
Dharmakara Bodhisattva of course knew, sentient beings who commit offenses in the Three Wretched Realms will inevitably fall into those realms again, and be unable to be reborn in the Pure Land, if they only rely on their own power.
So, he accomplished the merit and virtues for us, which are contained in the inconceivably great Name with a myriad of virtues. It enables all of us, without missing anyone, to be reborn by reciting his Name.
It is equivalent to saying, “If I become a Buddha, there are no Three Wretched Realms in my land. All offense committing sentient beings of the ten directions, who recite my Name even ten times, are assured of rebirth. If they are not be reborn, I will not attain Perfect Enlightenment.”
法藏菩薩當然知道造作三惡道罪業的眾生,靠他們自己的力量只能再度墮入三 惡道,不可能往生淨土的。所以,祂要為我們成就功德,也就是不可思議的萬 德洪名,讓我們只要稱念就萬不漏一,都能往生。
等於是說:「我若成佛,國無三惡道,十方造罪眾生,乃至十念,稱我名號, 必定往生;若不生者,我誓不取正覺!」
Namo Amituofo!