Apr 7, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths
The mindset of an Amitabha-reciter should be: knowing all success and failure, happiness and sadness, fortune and misfortune in this lifetime, is related to the karma of his past lives.
Because of our karma from past lives: we are born in this country, as a son or daughter, husband or wife. It determines the number of children we have, whether their health is strong or weak,if they are intelligent or slow-witted, have success or failure in their career, favorable or adverse circumstances. All of these bits and pieces of this life are the results of our karma from past lives, not because of other people.
(to be continued tomorrow)
一個念佛人的心態,就是要知道,今生今世所遭遇的成敗得失、苦樂禍福,所 有的點點滴滴,百分之百都是跟我們的過去世有關,是生生世世所造作而來的。
就是生生世世以來有造那樣的因,所以今生今世才會出生在某個國家,做某人 的子女,與某人結為夫妻,生幾個兒女,身體健康或病弱,頭腦聰明或愚鈍, 事業成功或失敗,際遇是順或逆……所有的點點滴滴都是我們生生世世自己所 造作而來的,不是別人導致我們那樣的。
Namo Amituofo!