Apr 8, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths
As a Buddhist, we must first understand the principle of cause and effect - in the three periods of time, and the retribution of good and evil karma. We should be self-disciplined, and seek safety under all circumstances. We should accept adverse conditions, and not take credit. We will feel happy and relaxed in reciting Amitabha’s Name while behaving in this manner.
If an Amitabha-reciter does not understand the principles of good and evil karma, cause and effect in the three periods of time, and retribution due to personal karma, he will be dissatisfied and feel unfairly treated, become jealous, quarrel, and blame. Though he recites Amitabha’s Name, he is always annoyed, may behave in extreme ways, or even commit suicide.
In that case, how can he blame Amitabha Buddha? He thinks, I have recited your Name, why do I step on the path of suicide? How can an Amitabha-reciter have a fate like this? If he condemns Amitabha Buddha for not protecting him and giving him blessings, he is not correct.
所以一個念佛人首先要相信三世因果與善惡報應的道理,要有安分守己、隨遇 而安、逆來順受之心,不要對人以牙還牙,這樣來念佛才會感到自在喜樂。
這樣的話,怎麼可以怪罪阿彌陀佛說:我已經念佛了,怎麼使我步上自殺之路 呢?我是一個念佛人怎麼還會這樣呢?如此怪罪阿彌陀佛都沒有庇佑,這是不對的。
Namo Amituofo!