Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 1 2019

May 1, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra

In the beginning of the Infinite Life Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha says, “As the Tathagata, I regard beings of the three worlds with boundless compassion. The reason for my appearance in the world is to reveal teachings of the Way and save multitudes of beings by endowing them with true benefits.”

It indicates that Shakyamuni Buddha has the deepest sympathy, great benevolence, and boundless compassion, for sentient beings in the Three Domains. That is why he appeared in the world. He preached to over 300 assemblies for 49 years. His aim was, and continues to be, to expound and propagate the 18th Vow, that delivers all sentient beings and endows them with true benefits.

《無量壽經》一開頭釋迦牟尼佛就說:「如來以無盡大悲,矜哀三界,所以出 興於世,光闡道教,欲拯群萌,惠以真實之利。」

這也表明釋迦牟尼佛以大慈大悲哀憫我們三界眾生,所以才出現在這個世界, 祂講經四十九年,說法三百餘會,目的就是要宣揚第十八願,來救度所有的眾 生,給眾生真實的利益。

Namo Amituofo!