Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 10 2019

May 10, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha


“Life to be taken in refuge”- This is viewed from our side. It means we do not resist Amitabha’s calling. We simply obey and follow Amitabha’s “desire to be reborn”, which is equivalent to “aspire to be reborn” on our side. It is a kind of mind of aspiration to rebirth, and also the mind of taking refuge. It is our life that returns to Amitabha in accordance with his calling.

“Action of taking refuge and returning our life”- taking refuge and returning our life to Amitabha Buddha, This act is the most thorough kind of taking refuge. It is because life is the most precious thing in the world. To surrender our life to another being( Amitabha) in this way, we “elongate and sacrifice our life to the farthest extent.”

「歸於命」:從我們來講,是「歸於命」,也就是我們對於阿彌陀佛對我們的 呼喚,我們不加反抗,而是隨順,阿彌陀佛說「欲生我國」,我們就「願生彼 國」,這一種願生彼國的心,也就是歸命的心,就是歸順阿彌陀佛的呼喚。

「歸投命」:把我們的生命歸投阿彌陀佛。這種歸命,可以說是最徹底的歸 命。因為天底下最貴重的就是生命,能夠把自己全部的生命歸給對方,所謂 「盡形壽,獻身命」,當然是最貴重、最徹底的。

Namo Amituofo!