Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 11 2019

May 11, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra

What does the Infinite Life Sutra talk about? It talks about the 48 great vows. It is because of the 48 great vows that the Land of Bliss exists, Amitabha Buddha exists, and we are able to be reborn. The causes and effects (rewards) of rebirth in the Pure Land are included in the 48 vows.

There are two fascicles in the Infinite Life Sutra. The first one mainly speaks of the 48 vows, and the second one speaks of the accomplishment of the 48 vows. So, it speaks of the causes and effects (rewards) of 48 vows from the beginning to the end.

《無量壽經》在講什麼呢?在講四十八大願。由於有四十八大願,才有極樂世 界、才有阿彌陀佛、才有我們的往生。往生淨土之因、往生淨土之果,都在四 十八願當中。

《無量壽經》分為上下兩卷,上卷主要宣說四十八願,下卷主要宣說四十八願 成就文,從頭到尾都是在說明四十八願的因因果果。

Namo Amituofo!