May 21, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School:
Worldly Truths
We have had boundless immeasurable karmic obstructions accumulate during countless past lives. The Buddha says, “If you wish to know the causes from past lives, look at where you are now.” He also says, “Provided that our past karma does not disappear even after hundreds and thousands of eons, we will eventually suffer the retributive effects when conditions have ripened.”
Thus, whatever we encounter in this life, whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we should be grateful. However, if someone doesn’t treat us well, or when someone fails to repay a debt , how can we be grateful? Actually, we should still be grateful.
It is because we have a chance to repay our debts to them and clear our karmic obstructions. In that way, our blessings will increase. Under adverse circumstances, we have a chance to practice patience or forgiveness, (which is a kind of adornment in Buddhist cultivation). Thus, the Buddha says, “When we are unreasonably and badly treated, it is our greatest source of grace.”
因此,這一生當中所遇到的,不管是順境或逆境都要感恩。可能有人會想, 他對我不好,對我有所虧欠,怎麼有辦法感恩?其實要感恩。
因為對方讓我們有機會可以還債,讓我們消業障、增福德。同時,這樣的境緣, 正是讓我們修忍辱的好機會,是修行上的一種莊嚴。因此,佛陀說,「人家對我們無理的對待,就是對我們最大的恩惠」。
Namo Amituofo!