Friday, May 3, 2019

May 3 2019

May 3, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Attributes of the Pure Land School:
Worldly Truths

There is a saying, illness because of emotion. The illness of our bodies is generally caused by our emotions. In dealing with karma from past lives, if we strive to be: calm, humble, soft, less emotional, rational, compassionate, less angry, less dissatisfied, less placing blame, and less hatred, we shall have less illness.

Most of you here are female. Females are susceptible to breast and uterine cancer. If they have fewer of the above negative emotions, they will have a reduced chance of developing these diseases. If a person worries, and his “chi” gets stuck or reverses, he will more easily get sick.

(to be continued tomorrow)

有句話說「病由於情」,身體上有什麼病往往是由心情產生的,過去世固然有 那個業,可是如果現在都是心平氣和、謙卑柔軟,凡事理性不情緒、慈悲不瞋恚,心中沒有不平、不滿、抱怨、積怨,能這樣的話就會比較沒有病。

譬如說在座大多是女眾,女眾往往容易得到乳癌或者是子宮頸癌,如果大家能 心平氣和、凡事不計較、內心沒有不平不滿、不憂慮、不積怨、不常生氣,這樣就比較不會有這一類的病。 一個人如果心中有鬱氣積在心中,就會導致所謂的「氣逆」,而容易有疾病的 產生。

Namo Amituofo!