Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 30 2019

May 30, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land
It is because Amitabha Buddha’s six-syllable great name is the crystallization of a myriad of merits and virtues that it has the functional capacity of the Six Paramitasand a myriad of other practices. As said in the Infinite Life Sutra, this Name sufficiently contains the “merit and virtues of Samadhi in stillness and unobstructed wisdom”. It allows the Amitabha-reciter to attain the merit and virtues of Samadhi, whether he enters the meditative state or not. Amitabha’s light embraces without forsaking, during the reciter’s lifetime, and appears before him and receives him personally near the end of his life.

Therefore, those who believe and accept this teaching, though they have not experienced the Samadhi of Buddha-Recollection in the meditative state, have the same level of Samadhi. They are assured of rebirth with great peace, comfort, and great satisfaction, without any regrets.



Namo Amituofo!