May 4, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths
Moreover, if a person works overnight, or sleeps late, he will easily suffer from miscellaneous “unknown” diseases. So, we should keep ourselves healthy, avoid illness, and make adjustment in diet, life style, and especially our emotions.
Furthermore, if a person is very filial in loving his parents, is caring and obedient, and makes them happy, he will have great blessings. If he is not kind to his parents, and always confronts them, he will not have good outcomes, and will suffer from various kinds of “unknown” diseases.
另外,如果平常習慣熬夜,都是三更半夜才睡覺,也容易罹患疑難雜症,所以 要維持身體健康、避免病痛,飲食、生活習慣上,尤其心情上都要調整。
再者,一個人如果對父母非常的孝順、不忤逆父母,體貼父母的心意,常使父 母歡喜,能這樣的話,這個人福報會很大;如果對父母忤逆不孝,常常跟父母衝突對立,那這個人的命運就會不太好,身上難免就會有疑難雜症。
Namo Amituofo!