Tuesday, June 11, 2019

June 11 2019

Jun 11, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha

He also shares: his ears with us, piled up as many as and as high as Mount Gyro, his noses as many as Mount Pifuluo, his tongues as many as Great Iron Mountain, his teeth as many as Vulture Peak Mountain, his skin that is adequate to cover the land of the Three Thousand Great Worlds, his blood like the four great seas, and his flesh as much as Mount Sumeru.
He does this not just in one kalpa, two kalpas, but inconceivably countless kalpas. Ever since, Amitaha shares as much of his blood as the four great seas, and gives as much of his flesh as Mount Sumeru . He gives what is difficult-to-give, and he endures what is difficult-to-endure. So, he finally accomplishes, for sentient beings like us, the virtues of giving what we should accumulate. He also completes, for sentient beings like us, the virtues of the Six Paramitas, and the Precepts (such as Perseverance, Vigor, Meditation and Wisdom )that we should practice. It can be said that, after Dharmakara practiced for us, and accomplished the Six Paramitas and a myriad of virtues, he became Amitabha Buddha.

為我們眾生所布施的耳朵,堆積起來如純陀羅山那麼高、那麼多;為我們所布施的鼻子,如毗富羅山那麼多;為我們所布施的舌頭,如大鐵圍山那麼多;為我們所布施的牙齒,如耆闍崛山那麼多;為我們所布施身上的皮,足以覆蓋三千大千世界所有的地;為我們所布施的血,如四大海水;為我們所布施的肉,如千須彌山 。


Namo Amituofo!