Friday, June 14, 2019

June 14 2019

Jun 14, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

Being a Buddhist learner, we should admire the purity, peace and joy of the Western Land of Bliss, and renounce the dirtiness and defilements of the Land of Saha. Hence, when a dirty and defiled thought arises in our mind, we should not be delighted, but should feel regret. How can a Buddhist learner have that kind of thought? Though we regret, we must not doubt Amitabha’s deliverance.

As Master Shandao says, “repentance is in every single recitation of Amitabha’s name.” Because we are imperfect sentient beings, it is unexpected for us to be delivered by Amitabha without any conditions. So, we should be joyful and thankful on one side, and regretful on the other. Because of repentance, we have a softened and forgiving mind.

做為一個學佛者,會羨慕西方極樂世界的清淨安樂,厭離娑婆世界的骯髒污穢 ,所以當我們生起骯髒污穢念頭,不能沾沾自喜,應該心懷慚愧──我是個學佛 的人怎麼也起這種念頭呢?雖然起慚愧心,但是不要懷疑彌陀的救度。

所以善導大師才說:「念念稱名常懺悔」。我們這種眾生,居然能受阿彌陀佛 沒有條件、毫無計較的救度,所以一方面感恩歡喜,一方面也感覺慚愧。因為 慚愧,自然我們就有柔軟的心、包容的心。

Namo Amituofo!