Jun 18, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Taking Refuge in Amitabha
Those who were born in the past, who believed and accepted Amitabha’s deliverance, have already been reborn in the Land of Bliss. Those who were born in the present, believe and accept Amitabha’s deliverance, are now reborn in the Land of Bliss. Those who have no karmic condition to believe and accept, will be born in future. They will believe and accept Amitabha’s deliverance, and be reborn in the Land of Bliss. This indicates that Amitabha Buddha delivers sentient beings in the past, present and future. This is why Amitabha is also known as the Buddha of Infinite Life.
出生在過去的眾生,信受阿彌陀佛的救度已經往生極樂世界;出生在現在的眾 生,信受阿彌陀佛的救度,現在往生極樂世界;現在沒有機緣來信受,未來的 眾生信受阿彌陀佛,將來往生極樂世界成佛。 這表示阿彌陀佛救度眾生是過去、現在、未來都永不改變,因此,阿彌陀佛也 叫無量壽佛──壽命無量。
Namo Amituofo!