Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 20 2019

Jun 20, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra

The original intention of the Contemplation Sutra spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha is clearly mentioned in the last paragraph. It is spoken in the Chapter on Dissemination – The Buddha further said to Ananda, "Bear these words well in mind. To bear these words in mind means to hold fast to the Name of the Buddha Amitayus." Every Sutra has its “eye”, and the “eye” of the Contemplation Sutra is this text.

This text is not just the core teaching of the Contemplation Sutra; but, also the crystallization, and the main point of the Contemplation Sutra. It is also the guideline, the eye, and the feet of the entire Pure Land teaching. It is basically the same as the Fundamental or the King Vow, of the 48 vows stated in the Infinite Life Sutra. It is also the meaning of “even ten times” in the 18th Vow (reciting for one’s entire life for those of the correct aptitude in this lifetime, and reciting even ten times for those of the correct aptitude near the end-of-life). So, they are basically the same.

釋迦牟尼佛講《觀無量壽經》的本意,在最後一段經文有明確的交待,也就是 《觀無量壽經》「流通分」所講的:「佛告阿難:汝好持是語,持是語者,即是持無量壽佛名。」每部經都有它的經眼,《觀經》的經眼就是這段文。

這段經文不只是《觀經》的核心、《觀經》的結晶、《觀經》的重點,也是整 個淨土法門的方針、宗旨,是淨土法門的眼睛、淨土法門的雙腳。它跟《無量 壽經》四十八願中的根本願、願王,也就是第十八願的「乃至十念」(平生之 機,上盡一形;臨終之機,下至十聲)是兩相呼應,前後一致的。

Namo Amituofo!