Jun 8, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Right View on Buddhist teachings
Fundamental Vow is a Sanskrit translation of the word “Parva-Pranidhana”, which also means the original or primal vow, the vow made in the causal ground in the past. It means a vow that a Buddha or Bodhisattva initiated, during his practice to deliver sentient beings in the past. If the vow includes delivering all sentient beings, it is called an“oath.” If his vow does not include delivering all sentient beings, it is only a vow, not an oath.
Among a Bodhisattva’s vows, those vows that are fundamental and common to all bodhisattvas are called “general vows”, or “common vows”. However, for the sake of achieving a particular purpose, a bodhisattva may make a special oath, which is known as a ‘”particular vow”, and is different from those of all other buddhas and bodhisattvas.
Namo Amituofo!