July 17, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Infinite Life Sutra
If someone says, “A person like you, on the Easy Path is a coward, feeble, and inferior. I am a great man with resolve, practicing with vigor.” This is an example of a kind of arrogance. Furthermore, it is also a kind of indolence, not vigor, because he has difficulty believing in this splendid teaching of deliverance. So, the Infinite Life Sutra says, “Arrogant, corrupt, and indolent people cannot readily accept this teaching.”
如果有人說,你們易行道的人是怯弱下劣,你看我,勇猛精進,是志幹大人, 這樣的話就是憍慢了;進而言之,這樣反而是懈怠,而不是精進,因為他已很難相信這個殊勝的救度法門了,所以《無量壽經》說「憍慢敝懈怠,難以信此法」。
Namo Amituofo!