Monday, July 22, 2019

July 19 2019

July 19, 2019

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra



2. To reveal the splendidness – Why is Amitabha-recitation spoken of in the lowest level in the Contemplation Sutra? It is because those at the lowest level are sinners.

A person who kills, steals, sexually abuses, lies, commits the Five Gravest Transgressions, or the Ten Unwholesome Deeds is extremely evil. He has no way to be salvaged and liberated. Amitabha-recitation is the only way through which he can escape from the Three Wretched Realms, and leave reincarnation within the Six Realms. This is why Amitabha-recitation is spoken of in the lowest level.

Amitabha-recitation is introduced in the section covering rebirth of the lowest level of the low tier so as to reveal the splendidness and vastness of Amitabha-recitation.

It does not mean Amitabha-reciters will fall to the lowest level of rebirth. Conversely, spoken in the lowest level, it reveals that the merits and virtues of Amitabha-recitation transcend that of the Three Meritorious Deeds, rebirth for all nine levels. There is a special meaning behind this. So, Amitabha-recitation transcends rebirth in all levels and grades.

(to be continued tomorrow)

第二、「顯勝意」。《觀經》為什麼只在下品說念佛呢?因為下品都是造惡之機, 一個造殺盜淫妄, 或者是犯五逆十惡的極重罪人, 他獲救無門、解脫無望, 唯有念佛才能救他脫離三惡道, 離開六道輪迴, 所以就將念佛安置在下品。

在下品下生開顯念佛,是在彰顯念佛的功德殊勝廣大,不是說念佛就落在下品下生;反而因為在下品下生講念佛,才顯示念佛的功德是超越三福、九品。背後是有這樣的意義, 所以說念佛超越品位階級。

Namo Amituofo!