July 20, 2019
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Contemplation Sutra
3. To inhibit from committing offenses – though Amitabha-recitation transcends the concept of levels for rebirth through the meditative and non-meditative virtues, the one at the lowest level is evil. Despite this, they can still be reborn through Amitabha-recitation. It is spoken in the section regarding the lowest level, in order to prevent us from committing offenses, and encourage us to practice virtues while reciting Amitabha’s name.
4. To follow other’s intention – Buddha speaks of the Dharma under three circumstances: to follow other’s intention, to follow his own intention, and to follow the intentions of both. That is to say, the Contemplation Sutra was spoken upon the request of Queen Vaidehi, who regarded meditative virtue as the most splendid for rebirth in the Pure Land. Therefore, she requested that Shakyamuni Buddha speak the teaching of contemplative practices and she didn’t become aware of name-recitation practices.
(to be continued tomorrow)
第三、「抑止意」。念佛本身雖然超越定善散善的品位, 但是下品下生這個人是個惡人, 惡人念佛雖然同樣往生, 但卻說在下品, 這就有抑止造惡的意思, 要我們行善來念佛。
第四、「隨他意」。佛說法有隨他意、隨自意、隨自他意這三種。也就是說, 這部《觀無量壽經》是釋迦牟尼佛隨順韋提希夫人的請求而說的, 韋提希夫人本來就認為往生極樂淨土, 定善功德最為殊勝, 所以只請釋迦牟尼佛說定善的觀法, 而對於稱名念佛沒有放在心上。
Namo Amituofo!