Monday, July 22, 2019

July 22 2019

July 22, 2019

A paragraph from the Chapter on the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:

The underlying intention of the Buddha is too great and deep for practitioners to understand. Even the Three Benevolent Sages and the Ten Sacred Beings cannot guess or glimpse its meaning. How dare petty ordinary beings like us say we know his aim or inclination!

Let’s lift up our eyes. Shakyamuni repatriates us on one side, while Amitabha welcomes us on the other. One calls us to come, and the other tells us to go. How can we not go? We need only follow the teaching with due diligence for the rest of our lives.

As soon as we discard our impure bodies, we will realize the eternal happiness of Dharma Nature as soon as we reach the Pure Land.


佛密意弘深,教門難曉;三賢十聖,弗測所窺; 況我信外輕毛,敢知旨趣。

惟釋迦此方發遣, 彌陀即彼國來迎; 彼喚此遣, 豈容不去也。唯可勤心奉法,畢命為期;捨此穢身,即證彼法性之常樂。

Namo Amituofo!